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Thursday, September 06, 2012


Found 311 names begin with 'S' for Girls.
# Name Meaning
1 Saadia Lucky
2 Saadiya Flower
3 Saaedah The quiet one
4 Saaleha Flower
5 Saaliha Pure pios and devoted
6 Saara Princess
7 Saarah Happy, pure
8 Saba Sheba
9 Sabah Dawn
10 Sabahat Beauty, Grace, Handsomeness
11 Sabburah Very patient, enduring
12 Sabeegah Beautiful, graceful
13 Sabeen Cool breeze of the morning
14 Sabeeyah Baby girl
15 Sabiha Beautiful
16 Sabihah Beautiful, graceful
17 Sabina Flower
18 Sabiqah Past
19 Sabirah Patient, perseverant
20 Sabreen Patience, endurance
21 Sabrin Patience
22 Sabriyah Patient, preservant
23 Sabuhi Morning Star
24 Sadaf Shell, Oyster, Pearl
25 Sadia Lucky
26 Sadiah Good luck
27 Sadiqa Honest, truthful
28 Sadiqah Truthful, sincere
29 Sadiyah Blessed
30 Sadoof Name of a poetess
31 Saeedah Fortunate, Auspicious
32 Safa Clarity, purity of mind, serenity
33 Safeerah Messenger; Ambassador
34 Saffiya Best freind
35 Safia Pure
36 Safiyya Best friend
37 Safiyyah Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend
38 Safoorah Wife of Prophet Musa (A.S)
39 Safwah An Arab feminine name
40 Safwana A Shining Star, Rock
41 Sageda Sageda is ..
42 Sagheerah Short
43 Saharish Cool and fresh breeze of morning
44 Sahibah Colleague
45 Sahirah Wakeful
46 Sahlah Easy, convenient
47 Sahrish Sunrise
48 Saibah She was a narrator of hadith
49 Saida Most Beautiful, unmatched, friendly
50 Saidah Happy, fortunate
51 Saila Sunshine
52 Saima Keeps fasts
53 Saimah Fasting
54 Saiqa Lightning
55 Saira Happy
56 Sairah One who travels
57 Sairish Magic, flower
58 Sajidah Prostrating to Allah
59 Sakeenah Calm, quiet and tranquil
60 Sakina She was a narrator of Hadith
61 Sakinah Allah-inspired peace of mind
62 Saleemah Healthy, Sound
63 Saleena Moon
64 Salifah Previous
65 Salihah Good, useful, righteous, devout
66 Salikah Following; Mystic
67 Salimah Sound, safe, healthy
68 Salma Peaceful
69 Salmaa Peaceful
70 Salsabil A fountain in Paradise
71 Salwa Solace, quail, comfort
72 Samaa Sky
73 Samah Generosity
74 Samaira Enchanting
75 Samar Evening conversation
76 Samara Soft pleasant light, She was a narrator of hadith
77 Samarah A narrator of Hadith
78 Sameea One who listens
79 Sameeha Generous blessing of Allah
80 Sameen Precious
81 Sameena A big forest in paradise
82 Sameenah Overweight, fat
83 Samera Enchanting
84 Sameya Pure
85 Samia Exalted, noble, much praised
86 Samiah Forgivness or forgiver
87 Samina Precious, Generous
88 Samira Call
89 Samirah Entertaining female companion
90 Samiun The Hearing
91 Samiya To hear
92 Samiyah Elevated, exalted, lofty
93 Sammar Fruit
94 Samra Pure, promise, fruit
95 Samrah Name of a fruit, written in the Quran 24 times
96 Samrina Flower or fruit
97 Sana Resplendence, brilliance; to gaze, look
98 Sanam Beloved
99 Sanari Sweet and Beautiful
100 Sanaubar Cone bearing tree
101 Sanika Strong minded, warm hearted
102 Saniya Moment in time
103 Saniyah She was a narrator of Hadith
104 Saniyya Radiant, bright
105 Sanjeedah Serious
106 Sara Princess
107 Sarah Pure, Happy, Princess
108 Sarina Peace
109 Sarish Morning
110 Sarra She was a female companion
111 Sarrinah Beautiful, companion of prophet (S.A.W)
112 Sarwari Chief
113 Sarwat Wealth, Power, Influence
114 Sarwath Wealth, riches
115 Savaira Morning
116 Sawdah A wife of the Prophet (S.A.W)
117 Sawsan Lily
118 Sayyidah Chief
119 Seem Name of a flower
120 Seemeen Name of some women
121 Seerat Inner beauty, fame
122 Seham Arrows
123 Seher Beautiful sunshine of the sun and day
124 Sehr Sunrise
125 Sehrish The sunrise
126 Selina Moon, Salty
127 Senada Graceful, heavenly
128 Senait Good Luck
129 Shabana Famous
130 Shabeehah Picture, Image, Like
131 Shabina The eye of the storm
132 Shabnam Dew
133 Shadha Aromatic
134 Shadmani Joy, happiness
135 Shafana Integrity and Virtuous
136 Shafaq Dawn. Redness in the sky at sunset
137 Shafath Curing or healing people
138 Shafeeqah A compassionate kind hearted friend
139 Shafia Mercy
140 Shafiah Intercessor
141 Shafiqah Compassionate, tender
142 Shagufta Blooming, Happy
143 Shahada Bearing witness
144 Shahana Queen
145 Shaharun Honest, trustworthy
146 Shahed Honey
147 Shaheema Smart, clever
148 Shaheena Falcon
149 Shaheenah Falcon
150 Shaheerah Well-known
151 Shahida Witness
152 Shahidah Witness
153 Shahina Princess
154 Shahirah Renowned
155 Shahla Dark flower, Dark grey eyes
156 Shahmeen Princess
157 Shahnaaz Pride of the king
158 Shahnaz Bride
159 Shahnoor Royal Glow
160 Shahreen Sweet
161 Shahzaadee Princess
162 Shahzana Princess married to a king
163 Shaila Small mountain
164 Shaima Good natured
165 Shairah Poetess
166 Shaista Polite. She desires support and encouragement in all her goals. Extremely dedicated and
167 Shaistah Polite, Courteous
168 Shajarah Tree
169 Shajee'ah Brave
170 Shakeelah Comely, beautiful
171 Shakila Pretty
172 Shakirah Thankful, grateful
173 Shakurah Grateful, very thankful
174 Shalimar Beautiful & Strong
175 Shama Lamp
176 Shamailah Good traits excellent disposition
177 Shamama Fragrance
178 Shamamah Fragrance
179 Shameemah A fragrant breeze
180 Shameena Beautiful
181 Shamila One of friendly and likable nature
182 Shamim Sweet, light fragrance
183 Shamima Fragrant breeze
184 Shamis The sun
185 Shamoodah Diamond
186 Shamsa Sunshine
187 Shamsia Beautiful, Shining Star, One and only
188 Shanaz Pride of King
189 Shanika Good
190 Shanum Allahs blessing, dignity
191 Shanza Woman of diginity
192 Shanzay Princess
193 Shanze Rose
194 Shaqeeqah Real sister
195 Sharayah Poetress
196 Shareekah Partner
197 Shareen Sweet
198 Sharifah Noble, honoured, distinguished
199 Shariqah Shining
200 Sharleez Beautiful
201 Sharmeen Shy
202 Sharmin Modesty
203 Shasmeen Very beautiful, a heart of gold , trustworthy, an angel , perfect
204 Shatha She was a narrator of Hadith
205 Shayla Little mountain
206 Shayma Having a beauty spot
207 Shazana Princess
208 Shazfa Success
209 Shazia Aromatic
210 Shazmah Rare moon
211 Shazmin White stone
212 Shazneen The most beautiful flower
213 Sheema Daughter of bibi haleema sadia who milked Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in his child hood
214 Sheen Snow
215 Sheenaz Beauty
216 Shehla Kind of a flower
217 Shehr bano Princess
218 Shehzadi Princess
219 Sheila Little mountain
220 Shellah Truely, Kind person , Beautiful
221 Sherana Sweet
222 Shereen Sweet, kind hearted and beautiful
223 Sheyla Pine tree
224 Sheza Good (religious) girl
225 Shezan Beautiful
226 Shihaam Intelligent
227 Shillan A flower
228 Shimaz Beloved
229 Shireen Sweet
230 Shiya Exceptional
231 Shiza A gift or present
232 Shu'a Rays of Sun light
233 Shuba Beautiful
234 Shujana Brave, strong
235 Shumaila Beautiful face
236 Shumaisiya Town in Makkah where the pilgrims used to dorn their ehrams
237 Shumaylah The first woman in Islam who wore coloured garments was shumaylah; wife of al-Abbas and she was also the first to prepare perfume; again the daughter of Ali bin Ibrahim was a narrator of Hadith, known
238 Shumaysah She was a narrator of Hadith
239 Shurafa Noble
240 Shurooq Dawn, Sunrise
241 Shyreen Referring to saafa and marwa
242 Siddiqa Trustworthy, honest
243 Siddiqah Strictly veracious, honest
244 Siddra Like a Star
245 Sidra Tree
246 Sidrah Name of a tree
247 Siham Arrows
248 Simra Heaven, princess
249 Simrah Jannat (heaven)
250 Sireen She was the daughter of Ibn Abdullah Ibn Masood and a narrator of Hadith from the Prophet (S.A.W), another narrator of Hadith by the same name was the sister of Mariah al-Qabtiyah; al-Maqooqus of Egyp
251 Sitarah Star
252 Sitwat Someone with fame and respect
253 Sobia Good and Noble Girl
254 Sofia Beautiful
255 Soha Star
256 Sohana Dews on the grass
257 Somaya Beautiful garden surrounded with roses and flowers
258 Sonia Pretty, very beautiful
259 Sophia Wisdom
260 Soraiya Princess
261 Soraya Beautiful
262 Sorfina Clean, neat, free from dirt
263 Souhayla Star
264 Su'ad Good fortune
265 Suad Good fortune
266 Subaha Beautiful
267 Subayah Daughter of al-Harith al-Aslamiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith; She was the wife of Sad bin Khawlah
268 Subbiha Clean, tidy
269 Subhaan Praising Allah
270 Subuhi The cold breeze of morning
271 Sudi She was a narrator of Hadith
272 Sufia A person who follows Sufism - Clean heart
273 Sughra Small
274 Suha Name of a star
275 Suhana Beautiful
276 Suhaylah Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing
277 Suhaymah Small arrow
278 Suhayr Proper name
279 Suheera Beautiful
280 Suja Calmness, quitness
281 Sukaina A young daughter of Imam Hussain who was martyred
282 Sukaynah Calm, Quietude
283 Sulafah Choicest
284 Sultana Leader, ruler, royalty
285 Sulthana Queen
286 Sumaira Brownish
287 Sumaiya Pure
288 Sumanah She was a narrator of Hadith
289 Sumara Entertainer
290 Sumayrah Brownish
291 Sumaytah She was a companion
292 Sumbul Frail, Delicate
293 Sumera Princess
294 Sumia The one who listens
295 Sumiya Beautiful
296 Sumlina Morning Star
297 Summar Fruit, Gifts
298 Summaya The first lady who obtained shahadat in Islam
299 Summayyah First martyr of Islam
300 Sumnah Name of an Arab girl (FH)
301 Sumra Fruit, summer fruit
302 Sumrah Reward, gift, fruit of good deed
303 Sundas Dress of heaven
304 Sundus A fine silk which is used for clotheing in heaven
305 Sunya Sunshine, brightness
306 Suraiya Polite
307 Suraya Star
308 Surraya Brightest star, sun
309 Suwaydah She was a narrator of Hadith
310 Suwera Morning
311 Swiyyah Little one

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